]> localhost Git - jkinsey.net.git/blob - code/index.html
Added substantial portion of content to the site.
[jkinsey.net.git] / code / index.html
1 <html>
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3 <base href="http://ibis:3000" target="_top">
4 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/res/reset.css" />
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9 <title>Jack Kinsey</title>
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14 <header id="menu" class="top">
15 <div id="avatar"><a href="/" data-color="yellow" class="home"><img src="/res/face.png"></img></a></div></a>
16 <div id="name"><a href="/" data-color="yellow" class="home"><h1>Jack Kinsey</h1></a></div>
17 <nav id="links">
18 <ul>
19 <li><a href="/writing" class="" data-color="pink" data-name="writing">Writing</a></li>
20 <li><a href="/code" class="selected" data-color="blue" data-name="code">Code</a></li>
21 <li><a href="/about" class="" data-color="green" data-name="about">About</a></li>
22 <li><a href="/res/files/resume.pdf" data-name="resume">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</a></li>
23 </ul>
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27 <div id="content">
28 <article id="writing" class="hidden">
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30 <h2><a href="http://blog.jkinsey.net/">My tumblr.</a></h2>
31 <p>Game reviews and analysis, the details of whatever project I'm currently working on, and random updates whenever I do something cool enough that I think it merits description.</p>
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34 <h2><a href="http://sites.psu.edu/jackkinseycivicissue/">Liberal elitism, and other civic issues.</a></h2>
35 <p>A few short essays discussing the idea of 'liberal elitism,' a subject of much debate in connection with the election of Donald Trump as President.</p>
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38 <h2><a href="/res/files/epidemic.pdf">The unifying impact of the AIDS epidemic.</a></h2>
39 <p>An overview and discussion of the broad changes in the LGBTQ community resulting from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 80s and 90s.</p>
40 </div>
41 <div>
42 <h2><a href="/res/files/klk.pdf">The confusing and bombastic nudity of <em>Kill la Kill</em>.</a></h2>
43 <p>A brief analysis of the anime <em>Kill la Kill</em> using feminist tools, notably the concepts of objectification and the sexualization of violence. </p>
44 </div>
45 <div>
46 <h2><a href="/res/files/homelessness.pdf">Chronic homelessness: interviewing the future's home.</a></h2>
47 <p>An introduction to the problem of homelessness in the United States, focusing specifically on chronic homelessness, and a brief discussion of potential unusual solutions to housing shortages. Typeset in LaTeX.</p>
48 </div>
49 <div>
50 <h2><a href="http://personal.psu.edu/jfk5379/homelessness/">Homelessness in the United States.</a></h2>
51 <p>A website designed to deliver key facts about homelessness in the United States to casual viewers, using select government publications as reputable sources of high-quality information.</p>
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54 <article id="code" class="selected">
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56 <h2><a href="http://www.jkinsey.net/asterisk/">Project "<em>Asterisk</em>" beta</a></h2>
57 <p>A small 3D game prototype developed in JavaScript for the browser with <a href="https://threejs.org/">Three.js</a>.I <a href="http://blog.jkinsey.net/tagged/asterisk/chrono">blogged</a> about its development over the course of several weeks, but many details remain unrevealed.</p>
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60 <h2><a href="https://github.com/jackkinsey/godfather">Godfather</a></h2>
61 <p>The final project for my CMPSC 122 (intro to algorithms and data structures) course at Penn State. Written in C++, we had to convert faux airport data into statistics on planes landed, departed, crashed, and so on. Hosted on GitHub.</p>
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64 <h2><a href="">Other 122 work</a></h2>
65 <p>Smaller C++ programs also written for CMPSC 122. We had to write an email address validator, a dynamic array implemented with a physical array, and a dynamic array implemented with a linked list. Not the most exciting of projects, but I'm proud of the code quality.</p>
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68 <h2><a href="https://github.com/jackkinsey/child-scare-kills">Child Scare Kills</a></h2>
69 <p>A 2D WarioWare-style browser game written in JavaScript using <a href="https://threejs.org/">Three.js</a>. Developed with <a href="https://liammcfalls.tumblr.com/">Liam McFalls</a> for a child care class in high school, so it's a bit goofy.</p>
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74 <h2>A short history.</h2>
75 <p>Born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I attended Conestoga Valley High School as part of the Class of 2016. I now attend Penn State University at University Park, with the intent to graduate in 2019. My passions have always included media of all kinds and computers; I’ve been programming in some form since 2012, and I’ve been thinking and writing about stories nearly my entire life.</p>
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