Game reviews and analysis, the details of whatever project I'm currently working on, and random updates whenever I do something cool enough that I think it merits description.
A few short essays discussing the idea of 'liberal elitism,' a subject of much debate in connection with the election of Donald Trump as U.S. President.
An overview and discussion of the broad changes in the LGBTQ community resulting from the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 80s and 90s.
A brief analysis of the anime Kill la Kill using feminist tools, notably the concepts of objectification and the sexualization of violence.
An introduction to the problem of homelessness in the United States, focusing specifically on chronic homelessness, and a brief discussion of potential unusual solutions to housing shortages. Typeset in LaTeX.
A website designed to deliver key facts about homelessness in the United States to casual viewers, using select government publications as reputable sources of high-quality information.
A small 3D game prototype developed in JavaScript for the browser with Three.js.I blogged about its development over the course of several weeks, but many details remain unrevealed.
The final project for my CMPSC 122 (intro to algorithms and data structures) course at Penn State. Written in C++, we had to convert faux airport data into statistics on planes landed, departed, crashed, and so on. Hosted on GitHub.
Smaller C++ programs also written for CMPSC 122. We had to write an email address validator, a dynamic array implemented with a physical array, and a dynamic array implemented with a linked list. Not the most exciting of projects, but I'm proud of the code quality.
A 2D WarioWare-style browser game written in JavaScript using Three.js. Developed with Liam McFalls for a child care class in high school, so it's a bit goofy.
A short history.
Born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I attended Conestoga Valley High School as part of the Class of 2016. I now attend Penn State University at University Park as a Computer Science major, with the intent to graduate in 2019. My passions have always included media of all kinds and computers; I've been programming in some form since 2012, and I've been thinking and writing about stories nearly my entire life.
In recent years I've developed a particular interest in Linux and open source software, and I've been working towards developing my skills in the hopes of contributing back to the FOSS community. I also care deeply about video games as an art form and source of potential for social change.
Social media.
Tumblr. My blog, as described elsewhere on this site.
GitHub. For those few projects that deserve to be seen by the Internet at large.
Twitter. Seldom used, but I like to keep it around for when I need it.
LinkedIn. For professional representation.
All content, unless otherwise noted, released under CC-BY-SA.
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